Does Adam Houge make speaking arrangements?

Adam will be making arrangements at a future date. Feel free to inquire for your event. 

Does Adam Houge still offer business or writing advice?

Yes, temporarily. Adam is helping with writing and marketing help, as well as screenwriting and movie adaptation help.

Why are Adam Houge’s titles only offered on Amazon?

Kindle is by far the largest distributor of books in the market. Amazon currently has the lion’s share of the industry and by following the trend it actually increases exposure through Amazon’s various contracts. Also the kindle reader platform is available and free for every device. Located on the following link: Free Kindle App

However, most of his print books are offered globally at many major book retailers.

What denomination is Adam Houge from?

Adam does not associate himself with any particular denomination that he may reach the widest scope of Christians.

What does Adam Houge teach?

Adam teaches the word of God in an unadulterated format, going back to the way the scriptures were originally written and intended in Greek and Hebrew. He also believes that a teacher of the word must be called by God and inspired by the Holy Spirit. As Jesus said, 

   “It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.” (John 6:45, NKJV)

And also,

   “These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” (1 Corinthians 2:13, NKJV)   

How can you be taught by God unless a minister takes the time to listen to the voice of God? With this belief he places great emphasis on hearing from God before teaching. He likewise places great emphasis in his teachings that a believer must grow in discernment of the written word, God's voice, and His will for his or her life life.  

If you can understand both His written word and what God is communicating to you inwardly, you can effectively portray Christ outwardly in everything you say and do. 


What does Adam Houge believe?

Adam Houge believes that the Bible is inerrant and infallible, being the word of God and written by the Holy Spirit through men. He believes all the principles of the Bible in their original Greek and Hebrew. He also believes and teaches that we must be reconciled to our Creator having been separated from Him due to sin. That we must receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior: By confessing your sins to Him and repenting of them, then being born again through a literal transformation of your spirit which happens when the Holy Spirit enters us on the day of your salvation. For more information on what Adam believes, please see your Bible.

What church does Adam Houge minister at?

Adam Houge's ministry reaches believers world-wide through his books. From a ministry perspective he remains focused on providing solid biblical teachings for the global church body. With that said he chooses not to minister at an individual facility, but shares and teaches the gospel abroad.


Adam Houge all rights reserved 2014